shepherd the flock of God among you,
exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to {the will of} God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness;

  I Dmitry Gennadievich Nikishkin
was born on March 9, 1974 in Bishkek (Kyrgizstan).
I graduated from high school in 1991. After graduation I studied and worked as an accountant. In 1992 I turned to God. It has taken place in Presbyterian Church "Saran" (that on - korean means "Love") in city of Bishkek.

Before I conducted active domestic life: we plundered shops, boothes, people in the street. Smoked a weak drug, frequently drank. As I worked as the bookkeeper, I had good opportunity something to steal. But when I have met with Lord and the God christened me Holly Spirit with a sign speak in other language. All in me as if has turned over. It has taken place November, 15, 1992.
Everything, that I did before, became disgusting and vile for me. I have decided to refuse and live from all life which if only glorified the God. I was ready to use everything, that I am able for the God. I was ready to use for him the money. So I began new life.
And began serving in a Sunday school Presbyterian church. In 1993 God put into my heart a desire to serve Him and to devote all my life to Him. The divine Word of God from the book of prophet Isaiah 6:8 which I have heard in the sermon on divine service in Presbyterian Church which I visited, has touched my heart and I have felt small pricked in heart the. So this word has touched me. That year I became an assistant preacher of a new church, affiliated church Presbyterian Church "Immanuel".
In the summer of 1993 I entered a Theological Presbyterian Seminary in Moscow from which I graduated in the spring of 1994 having received the title of a Presbyterian church preacher. Upon return to my church in Bishkek I was a preacher at Presbyterian Church "Immanuel" (pastor Kim Sun Min) and worked with teenagers. Pastor Kim Sang Min is the missionary from South Korea. He has arrived to Kirghizia in 1991 and till now is main pastor Presbyterian Church "Immanuel" in city of Bishkek. He preaches in the Korean language through the translator.
In the autumn of 1994 I entered Emanuel Presbyterian Theological Institute in Bishkek So I began to study in divinity in Presbyterian Institute. Which I graduated in the spring of 1998.
I had been studying for 4 years on campus. Classes were held from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Both local and visiting professors form Korea, USA, and Russia lectured. Since 1995 I began independently leading a new church and serving as a preacher in it about 20 kilometers from Bishkek. Which was branch Presbyterian Church "Immanuel" and served in it as the preacher. Actually I executed functions of the pastor of church as besides me there there was no other pastor or the preacher.
In the autumn of 1998 after having successfully completed my studies in the institute, I was ordained to be a pastor of Presbyterian Church and earned a degree of Bachelor of Theology.
In 1999 I received an offer to become the Vice-President of Emanuel Presbyterian Institute.I turned it down and decided to go as a missionary to found a new church in Russia. In the autumn of 1999 I founded a new church in Taganrog (Russia) where I was sent by the Emanuel Presbyterian mission (pastor Kim Sang Min).
Wonderfully the God influenced us that we have begun church in city of Taganrog. In the summer 1999 we stayed with relatives Naomi (mine the spouse) in city of Rostov. Before we always prayed for Russia to preach there the Gospel. On the eve of the arrival Russia, we have sold the apartment in Bishkek and felt, that us already there nothing holds. It was an ideal opportunity to go missionaries. We have visited one Presbyterian church with the missionary from South Korea in city of Rostov. That day the sermon was about Lot and Abram (Genesis 13:1-17 "The Earth which we choose"). Lot has chosen the ground which was fine on a kind, but actually was earth, living in a sin. Abram has chosen the ground which was ordinary-looking on a kind, but the God has shown it the future blessings. I have visited some cities in the Rostov area: Novocherkassk, Shahts, Taganrog, we lived at relatives in Rostov. Then I have left for Bishkek, and my wife with children remained in Rostov. There were temptations at us to open Presbyterian church in Rostov and relatives promised to render us assistance. But we prayed, being far apart. Also have together received the answer - city of Taganrog.
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We have felt it in Holly Spirit, and this desire has lodged in our hearts. Though life in Taganrog at that time was very heavy. It was city without any perspective. Workers at a factory of nothing received also debts himit grew in the course of time. Present deacons of our church lived half-starving. Besides the work, they were compelled to fish by evenings on the sea that then having sold her, to buy something on the obtained money. It was doomed on perished city. But the God has called us here and has put the world the world and rest on heart only here. Though it was hard for us. We here did not know anybody, but the God began us close as never. It consoled us and directed.
Churches here on that moment was very little. The god constantly when I made prayful walks on city, showed me the same word of God: from the book of Revelation 2:13 "you live there, where a throne of a satan".
Really spiritual conditions in city was very heavy. Churches constantly suffered persecutions from administration of city, pastors ran into a heavy sin and churches were closed. But the God has shown us the future of this city, the church of God and we continued to work.
First time, namely since July, 1999 till July, 2000 of us material supported Presbyterian church "Immanuel" in Bishkek. But after the expiration of year they have told, that we should care of ourselves as our church lives independent life.
Difficult minutes we have made the decision to follow for Lord.
And to not turn off since the Way of God, giving in to dodges of a devil.
I am currently the pastor of Heavenly Path Presbyterian Church in Taganrog.
I am married since 1995 and have 3 children of 3, 5, and 6 years old.
Heavenly Path Church has existed since 1999. During this time we had 6 water baptisms. A total of 20 people were baptized.
The church is ministering in an orphanage as well as giving Korean language classes free of charge. The classes are run by the pastor's wife Naomi Lee. We also ministered in a seniors' home. We distributed clothes and medication to families in need who are below the poverty line. The church is working with teenagers and children. It was commended and approved by the city of Taganrog administration and the Ministry of Justice of the Rostov region.
There are 5 deacons in the church who are labouring on the Lord's field free of charge. Presently 32 people are members of the church. Bible and ALPHA classes as well as sessions for leaders and assistants are regularly held at the church.
The church has implemented a few big evangelization projects.
At the moment the church is participating in a nationwide project "There is Hope" which is run by The Billy Graham Mission. The project is meant to bring hope to those who have lost it. Currently 89% of Russians live without hope.
The church is part of an association of Christian churches "Union of Christians" (president Igor Nikitin). In 2001 God showed the pastor and then the whole church a vision.
1. Construction of a church building (Isaiah 56:7).
2. Foundation of a Christian day school (Matthew 19:14).
Now 9 secondary, elementary and kindergarten school teachers attend the church. We are praying that God would speak to children's hearts who will carry the Good News throughout their lives.
God bless you!
Rev. Dmitry and Naomi

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